Saturday, 15 February 2014

Maybelline Colorsensational Lipstick in 240 Galactic Mauve

I'm not really a lipstick kinda girl but when I do buy lipstick I usually prefer them to be nude or understated. Unless I'm on the hunt for the perfect purple lipstick. I haven't had any Maybelline lipsticks before so I didn't really know what to expect. This retails for around £6.99. I purchased the colour 240 Galactic Mauve it is a really nice nude for my skintone.

As you can see from the swatch it has a slight shimmer to it. The lipstick applied smoothly and evenly with the just the right amount of shimmer. It reminds me of a mauve Body Shop lipstick I already own but with more shimmer. 

The only problem I have with this lipstick is the smell. I can't describe it. It isn't an offensive smell but I just thought it smelled different from other lipsticks. 

I tried to take a picture of me wearing this but its not the best.

I think this will definitely be a regular in my makeup bag now. 

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