Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Loreal Paris Elnett Satin Heat Styling Spray - Volume

I was in desperate need for some heat protection spray, it is a must for styling my hair! So when I spotted this new heat spray on the shelf I thought I'd give it a try. This currently retails for £3.99 in Boots and other high street stores. I purchased mine in the volume but it also comes in straight and wavy. I can't deal with my hair being flat it needs to be Victoria Secret model voluminousness constantly.

This heat styling spray promises to create volume that lasts for 3 days. I can say it does deliver on this promise. It does last the full 3 days but after that I do feel the need to wash my hair. At first it makes it really soft but once the 3 days are up it my hair becomes quite dry. 

I am still undecided on this heat spray. I do love how it makes my hair feel and look in the first 3 days. It is recommended to blow dry your hair with this but I let my hair air dry. I use this when I straighten my hair and it still produces the volume effect.

If you like volume this is a must. It is lightweight and has a nice fragrance. It is definitely worth a try!

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