Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Life : My University Room

I am in my second year at university so have moved out of halls of residences into a shared house with my friends. Halls is definitely an experience I would want to relive over and over again. But being in a house is so much more homely. I live in a house of 6 girls including myself so you can imagine what our house is like. 

I live in one of the upstairs bedrooms which has an old fireplace. I  really liked this room when we came for a viewing so was happy when I pulled this one out of the hat.

I don't really have a theme but everything still matches. My giant Audrey Hepburn picture is actually a year old. I saw it at the poster fair at uni so I just bought it on a whim. I had it in my room in halls but couldn't part with it. I do like to keep my room tidy which my housemates find really funny. I can't do my work if my bed isn't made. 

I really like my bedding which I purchased from Next. It is on the expensive side but I have cheaper duvet sets from Tesco which are still good quality. Scatter cushions are a must! I love my monogram cushion. I created the letter on microsoft word then stenciled it on to felt, cut it out and used fabric glue.

I got the idea from pinterest. I think it turned out pretty well I just have to touch it up with fabric glue now and then. I also covered my noticeboard with fabric and push pins. Again this idea came from pinterest. I love pinterest to find ideas for my uni room. 

I do really enjoy living in this house and it will be sad when we have to move out. 

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