Friday, 21 February 2014

Life: Starting University

A levels are definitely the hardest part to the university process. But once you are in the experience is something you will never forget. Getting my A level results was traumatising. When I signed in to UCAS I didn't see the congratulations I thought I would. At that point I thought my life was ruined but it all worked out in the end.

I started my first year in September 2012 at Hull Uni. As it wasn't my first choice I was so scared that I would have to live without an en-suite. One thing I would try and avoid is booking a holiday around exam results. I was due to go on holiday the day after results day so I was definitely missing out on some important details. Everything worked out in the end obviously.

I moved to uni the day of Freshers' week I spent so long unpacking I thought I was missing out. I lived in a block of 24 my floor was all girls. I thought this was going to be my worse nightmare. But it was better than I anticipated. When it came to packing I didn't travel light. I had taken everything I thought I could possibly need or ever need at some point. It is really strange preparing for your first night out for people who are still strangers. Everyone in my block was really nice though. 

I would try to be friendly with everyone in your block until you know them properly. Everyone is in the same situation as you. You've left home and now you're all alone. Not that I want to scare you though. 

Freshers was such a strange week so many funny stories happened that I still laugh about now. On top of freshers week I also had to attend welcome lectures but they weren't anything too heavy.

Going to lectures was definitely scary in the beginning but it was fine once you start making friends on your course. 

My next post will be about the do's and don'ts for Freshers' Week! 
Follow me to keep up to date with my posts. 


  1. I can definitely relate to this. I'm finishing uni this time and it seems like just yesterday that I had the nerve wracking A level results day. Now I'm dreading the degree classification release date haha.
    I really like your little blog and am now following :)
    Can't wait to see your future posts and hope to speak soon,
    Laura xx

    1. Now this year counts I think it is so stressful. It doesn't mean I'm doing more than last year though still avoiding work haha. Thank you for the follow and liking my blog its appreciated. I'm still trying to get my blog out there.
      Melissa xx
