Sunday, 17 August 2014

Life: I've Joined Weight Watchers

Many of you don't know but I decided to lose weight earlier in the year. At that point I was following Tesco Diets. I managed to lose 14lbs on that diet. However, going on holiday meant I put 5 back on and I hadn't really tried to get it off. My dieting came to a halt after my holiday. Returning home for the summer sent my eating patterns out the window. Its so hard to diet when everyone around seems to be eating all the foods in the world. 

I found dieting at uni so much more easier because two of my housemates were also dieting. Also at uni I could only eat what was on my diet plan because I was doing my own shopping so planned ahead. I do like to be organised I am a definite planner.

But now I want to get back to dieting I have joined Weight Watchers. I would still recommend tesco diets but I wanted to try something different.

I am hoping to do weekly updates on how my diet went that week, if I've had any weight loss, any new exercises I am enjoying, what my favourite foods are. Anything I think you will want to hear about.

I think this picture sums up my views on a target weight. I don't particularly have a target weight I will just see how my body looks. I will obviously check on the scales but I will be taking measurements also.

I will continue to post beauty and fashion posts as well. I just thought some people would be interested in this too.

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