Sunday, 9 March 2014

Has Contouring gone too far?

I was scrolling through Instagram this week just looking at the usual makeup pages, when I was stopped by a contouring post. This may not be a new concept to many but I had never seen contoured collar bones. I'm all for contouring the face, I love it! But contouring collar bones where they never were just seems odd. 

My main question is Why?
I don't understand the appeal. I already think contours create a face you don't necessarily have. But surely creating a bone is a step too far. I think this raises many concerns. Is it attractive for your collar bones to be prominent? Shouldn't we all appreciate our collar bones for what they actually are? I understand this may occur naturally on certain people. I'm not suggesting I dislike that but to create them is a different story. 

I don't think I will be joining this stage of contouring. My biggest fear would be one rubbing off whilst I'm out. 

I suppose its an each to their own situation, however, for me its definitely a no go. 


  1. Oh gosh I have never seen this before! Although I have known people to do how to's on defining ab muscles :D
    My collar bones are naturally very visible which I tend to dislike on myself! I wouldn't have thought it was something to be desired x


    1. I have seen those ab muscle ones on youtube to haha. I'm not sure why there is the sudden desire but its here.

      Melissa xx

  2. Totally agree - way too far. Also, wouldn't people be able to tell?

    Melissa | M is for Melissa

    1. I think you would definitely be able to tell. Be weird if the night before someone had collar bones then the next day they are gone.

      Melissa xx

  3. wow, that's pretty extreme. Thanks for sharing.

    new follower from the blog hop.

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    1. You're welcome. Thanks for the follow I have followed back.

      Melissa xx

  4. Wow, that seems a bit excessive! I never thought people actually did this! Love the post!

  5. Love a good face contouring but collar bones hmm it little bit much in my opinion, but each to their own I guess.

    Chloe xx

    1. I totally agree! Everyone should do what they think is best even if I think it is a bit much.

      Melissa xx

  6. Woah! That is extreme and too much. Nice post!

    Would appreciate if you check my blog out!

    1. Thank you for your comment I will be sure to check your blog out

      Melissa xx
