Thursday, 17 April 2014

Swissco Precision Blending Sponge

I have wanted to try a beauty blender for some time but I don't know whether to commit myself. I rarely use sponges on my face as I think you can get a makeup brush for everything. However, I think I may have been converted with this sponge.
 I purchased this for £4.99 in my local TK Maxx. From looking at pictures I can see this is  different shape from the beautyblender. I can't really say whether this is a good dupe for a beauty blender as I have never had one.

However, using this to blend my under eye concealer and contour has improved my makeup application. I think in this case it is much better than a brush for under my eyes. It makes my base flawless.

I would recommend this sponge. Whether it is a dupe of the beauty blender I'm not sure. I am more open to makeup sponges now. I may invest in a beauty blender to see if there is any difference. 

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