Thursday, 30 January 2014

Real Techniques Brushes

I have always watched Pixiwoos channel from the beginning so I was so excited to find Sam was bringing out a brush range at reasonable prices. Nic has now joined the Real Technique so I expect more great things to come from this collection.

Lets start with the price. The Core and Starter collections retail for £21.99 at Boots. Everything else varies in price from £6 - £12. For makeup brushes that are to this standard I do think it is a great price. The brushes being synthetic is also a plus as it keeps the price down but has not affected the quality. 

I have done reviews on each of the different colours

Core Collection, Powder & Expert Face Brushes 

Stippling, Blush and Setting brushes

Starter set

I do really like these brushes my only problem is I wish the brushes that came in the sets were available separately. I know this is a common issue among many people. I had lost my buffer brush and deluxe crease brush and was annoyed when I found I couldn't purchase them again. I think it would be great if this could be considered as some brushes are worth having more than one. 

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